AEDIL - history

In 1992 the organization Zentralverband Deutscher Milchwirtschaftler initiated the establishment of an European association of dairy professionals, named AEDIL (Association Europeenne des Diplomes de l’Industri Laitiere) or EDTDHA (European Dairy Technology Diploma-Holders Association). The background for this initiative related to the understanding that many European countries experienced increasing difficulties maintaining specialized professional and business-oriented dairy degrees and education programmes.


The co-operation within AEDIL is currently represented by the following 15 countries: Germany, United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Netherlands, Poland, Turkey  and Switzerland.


The original aims for the work of AEDIL are:

  • Promotion and protection of the dairy profession within the dairy sector in Europe.
  • Co-ordination and adaptation of the vocational, further and continuing training in the dairy sector as well as mutual recognition of qualifications and diplomas.
  • Ensure that a joint European educational “passport” is recognized by the EU authorities and member countries and issued by the national associations.
  • Stipulate criteria’s for vocational training qualifications in the dairy sector
  • Exchange of experience with educational policy and social objectives in the dairy sector
  • Exchange of experience in the technical, economic, academic and scientific domains through seminars, workshops, study tours and other meetings
  • Promote trainees and students exchange schemes
  • Use of the educational and mobility schemes of the European Community
  • Provide the dairy sector support for the recruitment of apprentices
  • Safeguarding and promotion of the common interest of the dairy profession towards the European authorities and institutions.






1996-1998: Vocational Education Passport


-after 2 years of intense discussions the first Vocational Education Passport was distributed in 1998

-at the present more than 6.000 VEPs are in circulation in Europe

-in order to support the mobility within the Dairy industry in Europe


1997: Frame for a European Training Programme in Hygiene



EU projects


2001: Leonardo Project

“Developing new training schemes in the European Dairy Sector”


=> develop and test a joint European education for Dairy Technologists in accordance with the actual needs for education in the European Dairy sector

=> description of several specialized courses

=> run the scheme “European Dairy Technologist”, create modular courses for extended vocational training in specific topics


10/2007-10/2009 Leonardo Project “European Dairymen”


=> establish a European and sector based “translation device” for recognition and validation of qualifications obtained through the national training schemes

- the mechanism of this “European Qualification Framework (EQF)” will be based on agreed European standards in order to support the mobility of the workforce and do it easier for the European Dairy industry to evaluate the competences of an applicant from another country

=> compare the national education with the European standard

=> a base for a platform where the cooperation between European Dairy educational institutions and the dairy companies can be developed and establish a common market for the skilled vocational education for dairymen


UK impact


The European Competence profile did create immense impact especially in UK. It has been documented that the British training initiative actually used the idea of European Competence profile as their most important argument to convince trade, milk producers, training providers and government to establish a new UK training course. As a result nearly 20 dairy students have started in the autumn of 2009 in UK. Since June 2010 Reaseheath College is the official vocational training center for the UK diary industry. The dairy education is the first industrial education which is officially supported by the UK government.


Courses of the scheme “European Dairy Technologist”


Since 2004 held in Switzerland, France and Denmark, total number: 18

- give opportunities to

=> meet colleagues from other countries

=> establish a network of big value

=> improve the language skills

=> a good supplement to national educations

=> improve the possibility for international career


1) 2004 in Switzerland “Cheese Making Technology Course”

-Collaboration: SMV – Schweizerischer Milchwirtschaftlicher Verein, 3 weeks, 16 participants from 10 different countries, place: Swiss Federal Dairy Research station in Bern


2) 2007 in France “Soft Cheese Course”

-Collaboration: National Dairy school in Poligny, 1 week, 17 participants from 7 different countries


3) 04/2008 in France the second “Soft Cheese Course”

-Collaboration: National Dairy school in Poligny, 1 week, 16 participants from 7 different countries




4) 11/2008 in Denmark  the first “UF Cheese Making Course” (Ultrafiltration)

-Collaboration: Dalum Dairy Training Centre, 1 week, 13 participants from 5 different countries


5) 04/2009 in France the third “Soft Cheese Course”

-Collaboration: National Dairy school in Poligny, 1 week, 14 participants from 8 different countries


6) 27.04.-01.05.2009: Cheese Making by Ultrafiltration, Odense (DK)

14 participants from 7 countries: D, DK, I, PL, Egypt, Iceland, Mexico


7) 01.03.-05.03.2010: Processed Cheese Course, Mamirolle (F)

13 participants from 8 countries: A, CH, D, DK, FIN, Marocco, Thailand, USA


8) 22.03.-26.03.2010: Soft Cheese Course Poligny (F)

15 participants from 9 countries: CH, D, DK, F, NO, PL, Australia, Nepal, USA


9) 21.-25.11.2011: “Processed Cheese Course – Advanced Training” in Poligny (F)

This course took place with 4 participants from 3 countries (D, Spain, Turkey).


10) 28.11.-02.12.2011: “Pasta Filata Cheese Course”

  1. people from 5 countries participated on this course (CH, D, DK, F, Spain).


11) 12.-16.12.2011: “Processed Cheese Course” in Mamirolle (F)

This course was held in December 2011 for the 3rd time with 9 participants from 4 countries

(D, DK, Spain, Thailand).


12) 20.-26.03.2012: “Soft Cheese Course” in Poligny (F)

On this course 12 attendees from 5 countries participated (D, DK, FIN, PL, Australia).


13) 25.-29.06.2012: “Ewes and Goats Milks Course” Surgeres (F)

This course had 4 participants from 3 countries (D, Roumania, Australia).


14) 25.-29.03.2013: “Soft Cheese Course” in Poligny


15) 19.-20.06.2013: “Fundamentals Swiss Type Cheese (Emmentaler)”


16) 24.-28.06.2013: “Ewes and Goats Milks Course” in Surgeres


17) 25.-29.11.2013: “Processed Cheeses – advanced training course” in Mamirolle


18) 02.-06.12.2013: “Pasta Filata Cheeses – advanced training course” in Mamirolle


19) 24.-28.11.2014: “Processed Cheese Course” in Mamirolle (F)


20) 01.-05.12.2014: “Pasta Filata Cheeses – advanced training course” in Mamirolle


21) 19.-23.01.2015: “Hard and Semi-hard Cheeses technologies” in Mamirolle


22) 23.-27.03.2015: “Soft Cheese Course” in Poligny




New Project – applied for in January 2013

“Developing a European Sectoral Skills Council”


On 19th of August 2013 the EU Commission selected the project ‘Developing a European Sectoral Skills Council' (ESSC).


The project is in line with the objectives in employment, social affairs and equal opportunities as set out in the Social Agenda, as well as to the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy.


AEDIL is a unique organisation, because its members represent all aspect of the dairy sector (social partners’ organisation, training providers, universities, research institutions companies, trade organizations, chambers of commerce).

It is the mission of AEDIL to promote the interests of the European dairy sector on behalf of both employers and employees – especially within training and education.


The project 'Developing a European Sectoral Skills Council' will conduct a survey in several European countries in order to collect quantitative data. The purpose is to identify and map dairy bodies (observatories, research institutes, sector councils, training funds, training providers etc.).


The survey will present the above mentioned bodies in terms of the scope and nature of their activities, their customers and their legal status, how they are financed, their sectoral coverage and legitimacy (nationally and amongst sector stakeholders).

The project will conduct interviews in six countries (Germany, Turkey, Denmark, Poland, France and UK), they will target training providers, national skills councils, social partners, companies and ministries of education.


The project will initiate contacts with bodies in order to introduce the concept of Dairy sector skills council and access their interest in this initiative and their willingness to participate. The results will be tested upon a

set of performance indicators that provide an overview of new trends in market and structure, economic impact at company level and training & educational performance.


The project will be conducted by the Danish Dairy organisation “Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer”.