Leonardo Project “European Dairymen”
The Challenge
Dairy manufacturing educations vary greatly across Europe when it comes to technical content and pedagogical strategy in education. Transparency and recognition of competencies across borders is attended with extensive difficulties. This is an obstacle for the mobility of European labour force and young people’s opportunities to qualify themselves by going abroad. There is a need for a European effort to promote approval of qualifications and competencies between countries. This will in advance make Vocational Educational Training (VET) more attractive to young people. In concrete terms there is a need for a procedure, a tool/instrument, for the European dairy industry and their dairy educations that will enable them to evaluate qualifications and the merits of a work across borders.
The Outcome
The project helps dairy men make their qualifications and skills better understood and recognised throughout Europe.
The project is based on former projects, among others VQTS (Vocational Qualification Transfer System), which is a project that has developed methods to describe and identify qualifications and competencies. The “Dairy Men” project will use these methods to develop European standards for dairy manufacturing educations.
The project will also develop a credit transfer system similar to ECTS. The results of the project – the common European standards and credit transfer system – will be used by AEDIL (European Dairy Technology Diploma-Holders Association) and will be integrated with AEDIL’s vocational education passport.
The mobility of young people and the labour force within the dairy manufacturing industry will be improved by the increased transparency and comparability.
Ÿ Induce transparency in education in the dairy industry
Ÿ Support the youth exchange in the dairy field
Target groups
Ÿ European Education Institutions concerned with dairy manufacturing
Ÿ The European dairy manufacturing industry
Expected results
Ÿ Develop “The Dairymen EU standards”
Ÿ “The European Dairymen EU standards” will complement AEDIL’s vocational education passport
For more information:
Project coordinator: Mr. Ole Holst, oleholst@mail.tele.dk, Phone: 0045 - 3940 2264